The CGH Office of Innovation advocates the use of design thinking to transform the delivery and experience of health and healthcare in the evolving healthcare landscape. This includes collaborating in a multi-disciplinary environment to develop holistic and sustainable solutions.
Creating prototypes is part of the initial concept validation process. The CGH Centre for Innovation is equipped with prototyping facilities and prototyping services, guidance and resources to develop as well as testbed and implement solutions are offered. Through prototyping, we facilitate the delivery of medical care, such as prototyping of body structures for surgical planning.
To enable innovation, our office provides funding opportunities through the Changi General Hospital Innovation Grant. Our office also reviews and updates on other funding opportunities for innovation projects.
The Office of Innovation provides guidance in the holistic management of intellectual property generated by CGH innovators, from protection to commercialisation, including regulatory pathways and devising a “go to market” strategy.
The Office of Innovation helps CGH innovators partner with like-minded and enthusiastic external commercial companies, to license our innovations and take on the role as product owner, and further productise the innovations and bring it to the market for sale. In the course of this commercialisation process, the Office of Innovation facilitates the technology transfer from CGH to licensees.
To accompany the development and delivery of new health and healthcare solutions, the Office of Innovation supports licensees by facilitating the adoption of the new solutions in CGH. The seamless process of Innovation-Commercialization-Adoption enables our innovations to add value to patients, our healthcare system in Singapore, and even worldwide.
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