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Coping With COVID-19

We have developed a series of self and team care resources to provide you with resilience building activities and strategies that can be practised during this difficult period.

#SGUnited #CopingwithCOVID19


Thriving While

Working From Home

Working from home for a prolonged and uncertain duration can be a new and challenging experience. It requires a change in routines, perspectives and attitude.We hope this guide provides you space to enhance your resilience skills enabling you to thrive.

Thriving While Working From Home.pdf

Essential Self-Care

for Essential Work

The additional hours and expectations during this period may increase stress and pressure on each of us. We hope this guide helps you to reflect and care for your mental well-being.


Essential Self-Care For Essential Work.pdf

Out of Sight 

But Not Out of Mind

Complying with social distancing orders may lead to anxieties about your health and loved ones. We hope this guide helps you explore different coping strategies to improve your mental well-being.


Out Of Sight But Not Out Of Mind.pdf

​Rising with G.R.I.T.

Feeling a little anxious? It is normal to feel anxious especially before a life changing event or during a difficult situation.

G.R.I.T. might help in exercising your resilience muscle! 


Self-Care for Seniors at Work

For Seniors, COVID-19 brings about a unique set of stressors and worries. This guide highlights the impact of COVID-19 on their mental well-being and some recommended self-care strategies.


Self-Care for Seniors At Work.pdf

Prioritising Self-Care

Organisation resilience starts with the individual. As we adapt to the new norm and sail into an unfamiliar future, it is essential that we take care of ourselves. It's OK to put self first before we give to others.


Recognising Languish

When we continue to make adjustments and adapt to our current situation and there does not seem to be any end in sight, it might lead to a state of languish. Explore how languishing may be experienced and the possible strategies you can adapt to cope. 

Recognising languish cover page.pngRecognising Languishing.pdf

Recognising Flourishing

Sometimes, we do not feel too fine. It is normal to periods of time where we languish and struggle. However, we all strive to flourish! To flourish means being able to maintain a constant state of good physical and mental health. This involves your willingness to engage in activities that enhance your well-being.  

Flourishing Cover Page.png

Recognising Flourishing.pdf


Easing into Phase 1: Safe Re-opening

As we ease into Phase 1 of Safe Re-opening, it is a good time to address our mental well-being at work. We hope the guide provides awareness of possible reactions you might experience in Phase 1 and practical considerations that you can be empowered in response to the possible reactions.


Easing Into Phase 1 Safe Re-opening.pdf

​Looking Out for One Another

Due to the fast moving nature of our work, we may feel ill-prepared to assist colleagues who are experiencing distress. In this guide, you will learn essential skills to prepare you in gaining familarity and confidence in reaching out to a colleague in distress.

Coverpage_TeamCare_LookingOutForOneAnother.pngLooking Out for One Another.pdf

Reaching Out While Out of Sight

While we are accustomed to being physically present when assisting a colleague in distress, we may now have to explore and be open to alternative forms of providing emotional support. We hope the practical tips in this guide will help you to support your colleague through video or phone calls.

Coverpage_TeamCare_ReachingOutWhileOutOfSight.pngReaching Out While Out of Sight.pdf

Caring for One Another As A Team

As we adjust to the changes in the workplace (e.g. childcare, caregiving, hybrid work arrangements), remember to look out for your colleagues and the people around you. This video shows three simple skills on how you can reach out to your colleagues and people in need.

team care video Thumbnail.png