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What is Analytics?

Analytics is the process of developing actionable insights through problem definition, application of statistical models or operations research techniques and analysis against existing and/or simulated future data.

What do we do?

HSR conducts in-depth analysis into key strategic areas to provide insights for management using operations research techniques (e.g. discrete event simulation and optimisation) and business analytic approaches. Our findings provide the basis for decision making in designing interventions to address areas of strategic and operational concern.

Goal ​Example of Past Projects ​Methodology ​Value
​Understand factors associated with specific outcome(s)

Factors associated with:

  • SOC consult wait time
  • QOL of breast cancer patients and their partners
  • Low resource utilisation
  • Factors associated with frequency inpatient admissions
  • Utilisation of elective major operating theatres
  • Utilisation of endoscopy centre
  • Utilisation of ultrasound scan room
  • Patient falls during inpatient stay
  • Repeat A&E visits
​Analytical StatisticsDesign of intervention(s) or counter-measures​
​Understand factors associated with specific outcome(s) Identify high-risk patients for intervention(s)
  • Frequent admitters
  • 30-day readmissions
  • SOC no-show
  • Characterisation of SOC high utilisers
  • Knowledge and awareness of advance care planning in CGH
  • Utilisation pattern of repeat visitors to A&E
​Machine learning/ Descriptive statistics​Rationalise resources for targeted interventions
​Design facility or resource allocation plan to meet performance targets or improve performance outcome(s)
  • Outpatient pharmacy design
  • A&E junior doctor allocation
  • HD bed allocation for hip fracture patients
  • Design of outpatient pharmacy automation system
  • Inpatient bed management
​Optimisation and simulation modelling​Data-informed decisions that meet performance targets or improve performance outcome(s)

Software Support

​Statistics​SPSS, STATA, R
Machine Learning​R, Python​
Optimisation modelling​​Generalised Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS)
​Simulation modelling​Simul8, Excel, VBA

Selected analytics-related first-author publications

  • Oh HC, Chow WL, Tiah L, Goh SY, Tiruchittampalam M. Factors Associated with Inappropriate Attendances at Emergency Department of a Tertiary Hospital in Singapore. Singapore Medical Journal 2020; 61(2), 75-80
  • Nang EEK, Tai ES, Lee J, Soekojo CY, Ng A, Van Dam RM. Epicardial and visceral adipose tissue in relation to subclinical atherosclerosis in a Chinese population. PLoS One. 2018; Apr 25;13(4): e0196328
  • Oh HC; Chow WL, Looi P, Goh PL, Lim SHC, Tiruchittampalam M. Patient Experience Enhancement at Accident and Emergency Department: Junior Doctor Manpower Reallocation Optimization. Journal of Management Science and Engineering. 2017, 2(3), 193-208.
  • Nang Ei Ei Khaing, Rob M. van Dam, Tan CS, Falk Mueller-Riemenschneider, Lim YT, Ong KZ, Ee S, Lee J, Tai ES. Association of television viewing time with body composition and calcified subclinical atherosclerosis in Singapore Chinese. PLoS One. 2015;10(7):e0132161.
  • Koh XH, Liu X, TeoYY. Can evidence from genome-wide association studies and positive natural selection surveys be used to evaluate the thrifty gene hypothesis in East Asians?. PloS one 2014, 9(10), p.e110974.
  • Oh HC, Zhang DL, Phua TB; Chow MPY. Uncover effective process improvement strategies in emergency department with aid of discrete event simulation. Health Systems 2014, 3(2), 93-104.
  • Oh HC; Wong JA; Tan MC. Enhancement of patient and staff experience at outpatient pharmacy via optimization of drug-shelf reallocation. Operations Research for Health Care. 2014, 3, 15-21.