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Research, Education and Community Outreach

​Research and Professional Education

We are actively involved in clinical research and device development. We have ongoing collaborations with the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).

On the education front, our service is heavily involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education. We run temporal bone and implant workshops annually and our basic temporal bone workshop is part of the Department's Foundation Surgical Skills Course in Otolaryngology (FSSCO). We also organise the Asia Pacific Singapore Otology Neurotology and Skull Base Congress (APSONS) for more advanced participants.

To find out more, do drop us an email at [email protected].


Community Outreach

Our service decentralises audiological services back to the community through the Community Hearing Clinics (CHC), which is part of Project Silver Screen. Our first CHC is located next to the Bedok SingHealth Polyclinic at Bedok Heartbeat and our services include diagnostic hearing tests and hearing aid fitting.

We also organise and participate in health promotion talks and events throughout the year, where we educate the public on various aspects of hearing and balance.

If you are keen to learn more about such events, please email us at [email protected].