The Medical Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Medical High Dependency Ward (HDU) are specialised areas where we care for patients who are acutely and seriously ill. These patients require advanced monitoring and often special machines to provide life sustaining treatment.
Machines like ventilators, which support the lungs, and dialysis machines, which support the kidneys, are commonly used in these areas. Patients often have endotracheal tubes (i.e. breathing tubes) and central lines (i.e. tubes situated in large central veins) to deliver this life sustaining treatment.
The MICU and HDU staff specialise in the provision of care for critically ill patients. The multidisciplinary team comprises doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists and allied health professionals who work closely to provide care for these patients.
The Medical Emergency Team (MET) is an inpatient team consisting of doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and support staff who specialises in attending to inpatients who have acutely deteriorated and require escalation of care.
The MET was formed in 2009. We hosted the International Symposium of Rapid Response Systems (ISRRS) as well as the inaugural Medical Emergency Team (MET) Fellowship in 2019.
MET celebrating our 10th anniversary of the Medical Emergency Team in CGH
MET hosting the International Society Rapid Response Systems (iSRRS) 2019 Conference at Suntec
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