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Guide to view radiology images in thumb drive

Patients can refer to the following steps to view their encrypted radiological scan images stored in the thumb drive provided by CGH.
Step 1: 
  • Connect thumb drive to computer and open the folder.
  • Select “decrypt-win” for computers running Windows or select “decrypt_mac” for computers running MacOS.
Step 2:
  • Key in password when prompted. The password is the combination of your date of birth in DDMMYYYY format, followed by the last 4 characters of your NRIC number.
  • For example: if your date of birth is 1 January 1970 (01011970), and your NRIC number is S7012345Z, then the  password is 01011970345Z.
  • The image reader application will launch upon successful login.

Step 3:
  • The image reader application will load the radiological scan images for review.

  • You may close the image reader application once you have finished viewing the images.
To view the images again after closing the application, repeat Step 1 to 3.