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Vaginal Hysterectomy - Symptoms

Vaginal Hysterectomy - How to prevent?

Vaginal Hysterectomy - Causes and Risk Factors

Vaginal Hysterectomy - Diagnosis

Vaginal Hysterectomy - Treatments

Vaginal Hysterectomy - Preparing for surgery

What Happens Before Surgery?

Hormonal therapy in the form of oestrogen cream or vaginal pessaries, could be given to you before the operation if you are menopausal. This aids in the surgery and optimises the healing process. Usually, tests are done 1-2 weeks before surgery to assess your fitness for anaesthesia and for operation. You may be admitted a day before the operation. The anaesthetist may review you before the operation if you have other medical problems. You will be given medication to clear your bowels the night before surgery. Fasting starts from 12 midnight the day before surgery.

On the day of surgery, you will be transferred to the "Waiting Area" in the operating theatre about half an hour before the scheduled surgery. The nurses will check on your identification and the type of surgery. The anaesthetist will again review your case before giving you anaesthesia.

What Type Of Anaesthesia Can I Use?

Usually you can choose either regional or general anaesthesia. The anaesthetist will discuss with you on this.

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