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Vaginal Hysterectomy - Symptoms

Vaginal Hysterectomy - How to prevent?

Vaginal Hysterectomy - Causes and Risk Factors

Vaginal Hysterectomy - Diagnosis

Vaginal Hysterectomy - Treatments

Vaginal Hysterectomy - Post-surgery care

What Happens Immediately After The Operation?

You will have a urinary catheter and a vaginal gauze pack inserted. You will be observed for an hour in the operating theatre's "Recovery Area" before being transferred out to the ward, post-operative area in Ward 42 or to the Intensive Care Unit depending on circumstances.

Are There Any Risks From This Surgery?

Complications are rare but just like any other surgery, there are risks involved. The common complications are:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Developing blood clots in the calf muscles

Other risks involved:

  • Anaesthetic risks
  • Risks of injuring neighbouring structures such as urinary system and intestines, requiring further surgery or even abdominal surgery.

Do I Need Any Medication After Surgery?

Usually, you will be prescribed pain-killers and complete a course of antibiotics. You might be prescribed some medication to aid in passing soft stools.

When Can I Start Eating?

You can usually start drinking fluids the day after surgery, and sometimes the same evening of the surgery. Once you can retain the fluids, the drip and catheter will be taken off and you can go on to take soft diet.

How Long Do I Need To Keep The Catheter?

If anterior pelvic floor repair is done, the catheter will be removed 2 days after surgery and your ability to pass urine monitored by checking the amount of urine remaining in the bladder about 6 hours later. Some patients may need a slightly longer period of catheterisation before normal bladder function returns.

Should vaginal hysterectomy alone be done, then the catheter may be removed the day after surgery and you can pass urine freely on your own.

When Is The Vaginal Pack Removed?

This is usually done the morning after the surgery. You may have spotting/staining vaginally up to 2 - 3 weeks after surgery.

When Do I Start Walking?

You usually start with sitting out of your bed the morning after surgery and if you feel well enough, you should be able to walk slowly the afternoon or evening after surgery.

Do I Need To Restrict My Diet?

The KK Urogynaecology Centre does not recommend any restriction on your diet.

When Will I Be Discharged?

You can be discharged once you can pass urine well, when there is no complication of surgery and when you feel well enough to be discharged. This averages 1 - 3 days. The doctors will assess you daily and will keep you informed.

How Much Rest Do I Need?

Early ambulation is encouraged. Carrying of heavy loads is discouraged in the long run. You will be given 1 month medical leave and will be reviewed by your doctor a month after discharge.

Can I Still Have Sexual Intercourse?

Yes, after healing of the surgical wounds, usually after 4 - 6 weeks.

What If I Have Queries?

You are most welcome to consult your surgeon during office hours, and the O&G 24-Hour Clinic.

If you should feel unwell and want to postpone your surgery, please inform your surgeon early so that the operating theatre can be used by another patient.

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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