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Hypopharyngeal Cancers - Symptoms

What are the symptoms of hypopharyngeal cancers?

hypopharyngeal cancers symptomsHypopharyngeal cancers are usually silent in the early stages. Larger tumours are responsible for majority of patient’s complaints. Patients may complain of:

  1. Persistent sore throat
  2. Difficulty swallowing
  3. Persistent feeling of lump in throat
  4. Persistent earache
  5. Blood in saliva or sputum
  6. Change in voice
  7. Lump in the neck (which usually indicates a spread of the cancer to the lymph nodes)

Hypopharyngeal Cancers - How to prevent?

Hypopharyngeal Cancers - Preparing for surgery

Hypopharyngeal Cancers - Post-surgery care

Hypopharyngeal Cancers - Other Information

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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