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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Treatments

How is carpal tunnel syndrome treated?

Mild to moderate cases of CTS may be managed in various ways:

  • Wear a brace to keep the wrist in a neutral position especially during sleep or inactivity
  • Avoid repetitive movements or overbending of the hand and wrist for prolonged periods e.g., continuous typing, handphone usage
  • Lose excess weight
  • Steroid injection

In moderate or advanced stages where there is significant nerve damage, surgery may be advised to relieve symptoms and prevent further damage. The outcome for surgery is generally good for most patients.

Conservative treatments such as night splints and activity modifications are widely accepted first-line therapies for mild CTS. Nerve gliding exercises may be helpful for mild to moderate symptoms. Avoidance of carrying heavy loads and repetitive hand motions is important. 

Surgical options  

Surgical release of the carpal tunnel is indicated when conservative measures have not managed to relieve the patient’s symptoms or when the compression is severe enough. Open carpal tunnel release (OCTR) and endoscopic carpal tunnel releases (ECTR) are such options. 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Preparing for surgery

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Post-surgery care

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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