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Trigger Finger - Preparing for surgery

Trigger Finger - Post-surgery care

Trigger Finger - Other Information

How can I tell if I have trigger finger?

Symptoms of trigger finger include stiffness, particularly in the morning, pain or tenderness at the base of the finger, clicking or popping when moving the finger and in advanced cases, the finger locking in a bent position.

When should I seek medical attention for trigger finger?

It is important to see a doctor if your finger becomes locked in place, if pain worsens over time or if home remedies like rest and splinting do not improve your ssymptoms.

What factors increase my chances of getting trigger finger?

Factors like being over the age of 40, being female, engaging in repetitive hand movements or having underlying conditions like diabetes or arthritis can increase your risk of developing trigger finger.

Download our trigger finger brochure here.

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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