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Trigger Finger - Diagnosis

How is trigger finger diagnosed?

Trigger finger is typically diagnosed through a physical examination. A doctor will check for tenderness, swelling and the characteristic clicking or locking of the affected finger or thumb. They may also ask you to open and close your hand to observe how smoothly the finger moves. In most cases, no additional tests like X-rays or scans are required, as the condition can be diagnosed based on symptoms and hand movement alone. However, if there is concern about underlying conditions, your doctor may order further tests.

Based on the examination, your provider will assign a grade to your trigger finger or thumb, indicating the severity of the condition and guiding treatment options:

  • Grade 1: Mild discomfort and occasional locking.
  • Grade 2: Locking occurs during physical examination, but you can still straighten your finger or thumb.
  • Grade 3: Difficulty bending or straightening your finger or thumb, interfering with daily activities.
  • Grade 4: Finger or thumb is stuck in a bent position, causing significant pain.

Understanding the severity of your trigger finger is crucial for determining the most effective treatment approach.

Trigger Finger - Preparing for surgery

Trigger Finger - Post-surgery care

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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