GPFirst encourages the public to visit Participating GPs as first port of call for mild-to-moderate conditions rather than the Accident & Emergency Departments. Find out how GPFirst benefits your clinic.
The CHCs are helmed by experienced nurses and skilled health professionals who provide health education, dietetic services, physiotherapy, Diabetic Retinopathy Photography, Diabetic Foot Screening and Physiotherapy Services to GPs.
Provides training, consultation and support for eldercare agencies & GPs through training, cases discussions and networking. CPGP also delivers home based assessments and interventions for older persons with mental health conditions.
Spirometry Lung Function Test is available for direct GP referral. We provide patient instruction leaflet for your patients’ reference too. Click to find out more!
CareLine is a 24/7 personal care telephone service by Changi General Hospital (CGH). It provides health and social support to seniors who may be living alone or are frail, and helps these seniors to keep safe at home. Click to find out how that works!
Nurses from CGH are stationed at Community Nurse Posts in the heartlands to help seniors with chronic conditions manage their conditions beyond hospital walls.
This national screening programme aims to detect functional decline in vision, hearing and oral health screening among seniors in the community early, and to provide timely follow-up as well as affordable assistive devices (i.e. spectacles, hearing aids and dentures) to seniors who need them.
ACP initiative promotes open conversations between patients, their family and healthcare providers, on future care preferences should the patient become very ill one day.
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