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Meet our Students

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Jasmeran’s journey into nursing was not an easy one. He did not take his studies seriously when he was younger and worked odd jobs after completing his National Service. When he noticed his peers starting to settle down, a combination of close friends and family in healthcare, a father with health conditions, and the need for a more stable career, saw him enrolling for a nursing course at the Institute of Technical Education (ITE).

Having been away from school for over seven years, Jasmeran had his reservations about his choice of study initially. It helped that he found studying a lot easier as a mature student, and was able to cope well with school. But the real turning point came when he had his first clinical attachment at CGH, working alongside CGH nurses who were welcoming and made his learning experiences meaningful.

How did you know that you wanted to become a Nurse?

"What affirmed that nursing was the career for me was watching them care for patients during their final moments. The strength and compassion shown in empathising with grieving family members, ensuring that the patient was comfortable till the very end; while continuing to care for other patients, demonstrated their resilience and resolve in giving everyone their best. This brought new meaning for me and changed my perspective. It was then that I decided to apply for a sponsorship with CGH, gratified to be able to work in the same organisation that ignited my passion to pursue nursing."

Opportunities for Growth with CGH

The hospital sponsored Jasmeran’s Nitec in nursing course, diploma in nursing, advanced diploma specialising in Geriatrics, and his current Bachelor of Science in Nursing (with honours), something he is appreciative of. The camaraderie and working with a supportive and close-knit multi-disciplinary care team has also strengthened his conviction in a nursing career at CGH.

"I am extremely thankful and blessed that nursing and CGH has shaped me to become the nurse that I am today. To me, the most satisfying thing about being a nurse is knowing that we have impacted patients in a way that helps them on the road to recovery. As a CGH nurse, I am empowered to provide the best care for my patients," he said.

Behind the Scenes of being a Nurse

Jasmeran admits that nursing is not always the most glamourous job, but he believes that if those who stick around long enough will find that it is one of the most rewarding jobs to have.

"Starting out will be the most difficult phase of your journey. My advice to young nurses would be to always remember why you chose nursing in the first place, and to keep that in mind through the daily grind. Give yourself some time, learn everything that you can, and have faith in what will be."