Address: 2 Simei Street 3, Singapore 529889
The nearest MRT station to Changi General Hospital is Simei MRT station on the East-West line. From Simei MRT station, the hospital is a 400m (5-10 minute) walk.
A free shuttle bus service, which runs from Simei MRT to CGH's Main Building/ Medical Centre and The Integrated Building, is provided for our patients and visitors. The boarding and alighting point at Simei MRT is at the drop-off point along Blk 242 Simei Street 3.
Route A: CGH Main Building/ Medical Centre to Simei MRT
Mondays to Fridays (excludes public holidays and the eve of New Year, Chinese New Year, and Christmas)
Buses run at 15-minute intervals
*Bus departs from Shuttle Bus Stop A - CGH Main Building/ Medical Centre
Route B: The Integrated Building to Simei MRT
Buses run at 20-minute intervals
*Bus departs from Shuttle Bus Stop B – The Integrated Building
Route C: CGH Main Building/ Medical Centre to The Integrated Building to Simei MRT
Saturdays (excludes public holidays and the eve of New Year, Chinese New Year, and Christmas)
Buses run at 30-minute intervals
Please view the full shuttle bus timings here:
Full Shuttle Bus Timing [ 0.17MB | PDF ]
Codes for bus stops near Changi General Hospital: 96281, 96289, 96251, 96259
If you choose to come by bus, take the convenient services listed below.
Additional charges apply if parking duration crosses into the next session.
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