About SNW

In July 2018, MOH launched the Healthcare Productivity Fund (HPF) – Smart Nursing Ward (SNW) Programme, a key initiative under the Healthcare Industry Transformation Map (ITM). This programme aims to supports the funding of initiatives that will help Acute Restructured Hospitals and Specialty Centres to set-up and scale-up “Smart Nursing Wards”, through enabling more seamless and less manual work processes,  by leveraging on process redesign and/or technology. Reorganizing work could result in productivity improvements that would allow nurses to work at their top of their license and offer greater direct patient care.

MOH Chief Nursing Office (CNO) and hospital nursing leaders have identified and expressed their support for the following work areas:

Area of Focus

End to End Logistics Management of Supplies and Equipment

To improve the time efficiency of materials tracking and delivery, through asset and consumables management, and the use of autonomous mobile robots. Materials tracking requires cost-efficient solutions to ensure sufficiency of stock (with automated stock replenishment). Materials delivery requires nimble robots that can move in patient care areas, robots with pick and place capabilities to handle multiple payload forms, and the provision of on-demand supply.

Patient Monitoring Systems

To improve the time efficiency of monitoring patients and subsequent documentation of patient records. Keys areas of monitoring include vital signs, fall prevention, intake-output, blood glucose, wound and pressure care, pain and behavioural monitoring. Current challenges are centered around the long set-up time, frequent calibration needed, manual monitoring or checks at regular intervals, and manual documentation of patient records. Solutions that can detect abnormalities and trigger alerts that allows preventive measures would be beneficial.

Applications to Patient and Caregivers

To empower both patients and caregivers to self-serve personalized education content that is targeted at their needs. Users will be able to monitor their symptoms, coordinate care with nurses, keep track of their appointments and medication, and learn of effective care methods.

Assisting Oral Medication Delivery and Administration

To empower patients to self-administer oral medication in a safe and compliant manner. Solutions should feature reminders, checking mechanisms, monitoring mechanisms, and consider various patient needs. Empowerment should continue from hospital to home, and there is a need for portable or transitional solutions.

Real Time Integrator System

To provide integrated information for nurses through a single interface, to facilitate the ease of managing both patients and technology. The Real-Time Integrator System should consolidate up-to-date information and allow the nurses to prioritize and coordinate various tasks for areas including logistics management, patient monitoring, patient/caregiver app and patient medication systems.

Beyond the above-mentioned work areas, the SNW Programme also invites pilots of new nursing productivity solutions with the goal of diffusing pilots with strong potential for cross-institutional scaling.

The SNW Programme works in partnership with Public Healthcare Institutions to:

  • Scope out use cases and user requirements
  • Co-develop concept of operations
  • Cross-shared best practices and experience for all institutions
  • Evaluate for productivity effectiveness and standardize productivity measurements
  • Aggregated demand for scaling
  • Engage suitable healthcare solutions providers
  • Assist with collective procurement exercises and bulk purchase
  • Call for Cross cluster RFP/ Tender
  • Work out implementation plans

SNW Programme Funding Criteria 

Eligibility: All Acute Restructured Hospitals and Specialty Centres* under 3 Public Health Clusters.

Funding Principles: Health Productivity Fund will fund up to 70% of approved project costs.

Programme Main KPI: Improvement of at least 10% nursing productivity.

Secondary KPIs:  

  • No compromise/ improvement in patient safety and/or quality standards
  • Improvement in Staff Morale
  • Improvement in Patient Experience
  • Improvement in Clinical Productivity (e.g. reduced reworks, improved patient access and outcomes, improved delivery of care, etc.)


SNW Programme Grant Call FY201H

This grant call invites hospital-specific proposals with innovation initiatives beyond the above-mentioned areas of focus.

Launch Date: 15 January 2020

Application Submission Date: 24 February 2020

For further enquiries about the programme, kindly email the SNW secretariat at [email protected]

  *List of eligible Institutions for SNW Programme Application

Alexandra Hospital (AH)
2Changi General Hospital (CGH)
3Institute of Mental Health (IMH)
4KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH)
5Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH)
6Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH)
7National University Hospital (NUH)
8Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH)
9Sengkang General Hospital (SKGH)
10Singapore General Hospital (SGH)
11Woodlands Integrated Health Campus (WIHC)
12National University Cancer Institute (NCIS)
13National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS)
14National University for Oral Health, Singapore (NUHCOHS)
15National Skin Centre (NSC)
16National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS)
17National Dental Centre Singapore (NDCS)
18National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS)
19National Neuroscience Institute (NNI)
20Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC)