Established with the support of the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), the Centre for Healthcare Assistive & Robotics Technology (CHART) is a platform that enables healthcare professionals to work closely with industry, academia and research institutions to co-develop and testbed impactful healthcare solutions in assistive technologies and robotics. CHART also works with the National Robotics Programme, a multi-agency initiative to coordinate and support the end-to-end development of robotics technologies.

CHART will achieve its objectives through conducting technology roadmapping with solution providers to identify synergies between healthcare & technological requirements and providing user insights to co-design and develop healthcare solutions. CHART also provides testbedding space and works with healthcare providers across health systems to conduct trials to validate effectiveness of solutions and solutions adoption.

CHART comprises the following

Design Lab:

Plug & play engineering lab space equipped with lab workbenches and materials where external partners are able to work on joint projects and carry out joint workshops with healthcare professionals to understand user insights and incorporate into developed solutions.

Mock-up area and training space:

New solutions and models of care developed in the Design Lab can be testbedded in a simulated hospital environment (comprising a ward, clinics and minor surgery room) and living labs such as mock-up HDB apartments before scaling in actual acute and homecare settings.

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