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General X-Ray

What are X-rays?

X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that can be used to create images of the human body. Our radiographers perform x-ray studies using specialised machines and computers for a wide variety of conditions.

X-rays are useful for screening of medical conditions as well as diagnosing emergent and chronic diseases. The x-ray studies are interpreted by radiologists who will document their findings and diagnosis in a report for referring doctors and patients.

We provide x-ray reporting services during office hours for general practice doctors while the specialist outpatient clinic and 24/7 x-ray services are for emergency and inpatient cases.

Are X-rays safe?

When doing an X-ray, there will be exposure to radiation. However, the dose of radiation is usually low and, in most cases, equivalent to a few days of radiation exposure from naturally occurring sources such as the sun.

Examples of X-rays studies:

  • Chest x-rays are useful to diagnose lung infection
  • Limb x-rays can be done to diagnose fractures
  • Spine x-rays are useful to check for spinal alignment and for fractures
  • Abdominal x-rays can be done to diagnose kidney stones