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Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease - Symptoms

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease - Causes and Risk Factors

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease - Diagnosis

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease - Treatments

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease - Preparing for surgery

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease - Post-surgery care

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease - Other Information

When Should A Child With HFMD Be Brought To The Children’s Emergency?

Most children with HFMD are relatively well and active despite their illness. Your family doctor or the polyclinic will be able to manage the majority of the cases.

However, you should bring your child in to the Children’s Emergency if you notice any of the following:

  • when the oral intake of fluids is poor, or when the child is unable to swallow, or vomits persistently
  • when the tongue is dry, or when the child has decreased urine output (dehydration)
  • if the child appears lethargic, drowsy or irritable, is crying persistently, or is disorientated
  • when seizures occur
  • if there is difficulty in breathing
  • if the child looks ashen, pale or blue.
  • if the child complains of acute headache or giddiness, or if there is neck stiffness

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (Pregnant Women)

What Are The Risks For Pregnant Women Infected By HFMD?

Pregnant women who get HFMD may experience miscarriage, stillbirth or severe disease in the newborn (if she acquired the infection close to delivery).

What Should Pregnant Women Do If They Have Close Contact With Their Infected Child?

Pregnant women should practise good hand hygiene by washing their hands after each contact. If the infected child suffers from severe runny nose and cough, it is advisable to wear surgical mask when in close contact (less than 3 feet). Do not prick the blisters as the fluid can be contagious. Do not share toothbrushes etc, as saliva contains the virus.

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth