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Coronary Angiography - Symptoms

Coronary Angiography - How to prevent?

Coronary Angiography - Causes and Risk Factors

Coronary Angiography - Diagnosis

Coronary Angiography - Treatments

Coronary Angiography - Preparing for surgery

​How can you prepare for coronary angiography?

You will be asked whether you have any allergic reactions to medicines or food, especially to X-ray contrast or iodine compounds. You are advised to inform the doctor of your allergies.

You may be asked to abstain from food six hours before your angiography. Generally, you should continue all your medicines unless informed otherwise by your doctor. If your procedure is in the afternoon, a full breakfast may be taken.

The day before the procedure, you should try and get a good night’s sleep. If necessary, ask for some sleeping medication.

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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