Being helpful, generous and considerate is a natural fix for your stress and blues.
Being kind is good for your well-being. Studies show that if you do just one kind act a day, it will not only reduce your stress, anxiety and depression, but you and the person you’ve helped will be flooded with serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin that make you both calmer, healthier and happier.
Lim Xinyi, a Senior Staff Nurse from Ward 43, experienced just that, when she answered a stranger’s call for help. She shared her story with SGH’s Kindness Connection, an initiative by our Office of Patient Experience (OPE) where SGH colleagues and the public are invited to send in a photo of what kindness means to them (scan the QR Code below). Throughout 2022, OPE will select submissions to be displayed on our Kindness Connection wall at SGH Block 6, Level 1, and share them on our internal channels.
"One scorching Sunday afternoon, I was on my way to work, walking up the slope next to Block 8. There was a van in front of the barricade which closes off the road access to SGH. As I approached, a passerby stopped me to tell me that there was a wounded man in the van in need of medical attention. The driver was trying to bring him to our Emergency Department (ED) but could not find the way.
I looked inside the van and saw a man with a bleeding leg. He had injured himself while working in a construction site nearby and his colleague was using the company van to send him to SGH. They both looked helpless as they did not know what to do next.
At once, I ran up the slope to Block 4 and asked two staff at the perimeter screening counter to help roll a wheelchair to ferry the wounded man to the ED. The staff agreed without a second thought. But they were unsure of where to go so I accompanied them down the slope to show them the way. The staff then took over to ferry the wounded man to ED as I had to rush off for work in the ward.
Before I left, the driver and wounded man waved to thank me. I saw that their faces were filled with gratitude. At that moment, I felt a wave of satisfaction wash over me as I had done a good deed. And I felt an unspeakable joy in my heart.
Most of all, I’m impressed with our two staff who didn’t hesitate for a second to help. I really appreciate their kind gesture! Thank you so much! I hope this story spreads more positivity and kindness to others, making the world a happier place!"

What does kindness mean to you? Tell us by submitting a photo via scanning the QR Code.
Selected photos
will be
displayed on our Kindness Connection wall at SGH Block 6, Level 1,
and shared on our internal channels.
We love mail! Drop us a note at [email protected] to tell us what you like or didn't like about this story, and what you would like to see more of in LighterNotes.
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LighterNotes (SGH);