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Dr Rashmi Mittal

Dr Mittal Rashmi Arun

MBBS; MMed (Paediatrics); MRCP (UK) (Paediatrics); MSc (Biochemistry)

Staff Physician

KK Women's and Children's Hospital

Specialty: Neonatology, Child Development

Conditions Treated by this Doctor:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder , Autism , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Behavioural, Learning and Developmental Concerns in Children , Global Developmental Delay .

Clinical Appointments

  • Staff Physician Department of Child Development KK Women's and Children's HospitalKK Women's and Children's Hospital


Dr Rashmi is currently employed as Staff Physician in KK Women's and Children's Hospital in the department of child development. She evaluates and follows up children who have concerns in one or more developmental domains. She also evaluates children who have been referred for possible Autism spectrum disorder or ADHD. In addition, she is involved in conducting research in the department to improve the quality of care delivered to pre-schoolers. Previously she was employed as a Senior Staff Physician in the department of Neonatology in KKH, during which she published peer-reviewed papers in well-known international journals and contributed to improving the management of neonates.


  • MMed Paediatrics (Spore) 1999
  • MRCP (London) 1999
  • MSc Biochemistry (Spore) 1998
  • MBBS University of Mumbai (India) 1992

Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships


Research Interests


  • Gopagondanahalli KR, Mittal RA, Abdul Haium AA, Quek BH, Agarwal P, Daniel LM, Chua MC, Rajadurai VS. Risk Factors Predicting the Need for Phototherapy in Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase-Deficient Infants in a Large Retrospective Cohort Study. Neonatology. 2022 Jun 14:1-7
  • Schouten E, Haupt J, Ramirez J, Sillett N, Nielsen C, Clarke A, Matkin L, Joseph A, Been J, Bolaños González I, Cheong J, Daly M, Kirpalani H, Mader S, Maria A, Matijasevich A, Mittal R, Mutesu-Kapembwa K, Vavouraki E, Webbe J, Wolke D, Zeitlin J, Flemmer A. Standardized Outcome Measures for Preterm and Hospitalized Neonates: An ICHOM Standard Set. Neonatology. 2022 May 11:1-12.
  • Sothirasan K, Anand A J, Mittal R, Khoo P C and Chandran S. Emotional and behavioural disorders in a cohort with Down’s syndrome using the strengths and difficulties questionnaire: A pilot study. Heliyon. Oct 2020 3;6(10):e05095
  • Klemme M, Staffler A, De Maio N, Lauseker M, Schubert S, Innocenti P, Foerster K, Herber-Jonat S, Mittal R, Messner H, Flemmer A W. Use of impregnated catheter to decrease colonization rates in neonates - a randomized controlled trial.
  • Herber-Jonat S, Vuckovic A, Mittal R, Hilgendorff A, Jani JC, Flemmer AW. Intrapulmonary instillation of perflurooctylbromide improves lung growth, alveolarization, and lung mechanics in a fetal rabbit model of diaphragmatic hernia.. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2014 Nov; 15(9):e379-88
  • Herber-Jonat S*, Mittal R*, Huppmann M, Hammel M, Liebisch G, Yildirim A, Eickelberg O, Schmitz G, Hrabé de Angelis M, Flemmer A W, Holzinger A. Abca3 haploinsufficiency is a risk factor for lung injury induced by hyperoxia or mechanical ventilation in a murine model.. Pediatr Res. 2013 Oct; 74(4):384-92. * Co-first authors.
  • Staffler A, Klemme M, Mola-Schenzle E, Mittal R, Schulze A, Flemmer AW. Very low birth weight preterm infants are at risk for hypoglycemia once on total enteral nutrition. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2013 Sep; 26(13):1337-41.
  • Mittal RA, Hammel M, Schwarz J, Heschl KM, Bretschneider N, et al. SFTA2 – a novel secretory peptide highly expressed in the lung—is modulated by lipopolysaccharide but not hyperoxia. PloS ONE, 2012 7(6): e40011. 
  • Matschke J, Bohla A, Maucksch C, Mittal R, Rudolph C, Rosenecker J. Characterization of Ku70(2)-NLS as bipartite nuclear localization sequence for non-viral gene delivery. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e24615.
  • Herber-Jonat S, Mittal R, Gsinn S, Bohnenkamp H, Guenzi E, Schulze A. Comparison of lung accumulation of cationic liposomes in normal rats and LPS-treated rats. Inflamm Res. 2011 Mar;60(3):245-53.
  • Simbruner G, Mittal RA, Rohlmann F, Muche R; Trial Participants. Systemic hypothermia after neonatal encephalopathy: outcomes of RCT. Pediatrics. 2010 Oct; 126(4):e771-8. Epub 2010 Sep 20.

Research Trials