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Dr  Kok Yee Onn

Dr Kok Yee Onn

​MBBS, MRCS, MMed, MCI, FAMS (Plastic Surgery)


Sengkang General Hospital

Specialty: Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, General Surgery

Sub-specialties: Aesthetic Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery, Microsurgery, Reconstructive Surgery, Body Contouring, Lymphoedema, Burns, Craniofacial Trauma

Conditions Treated by this Doctor:
Aesthetic Surgery , Body Contouring , Botox Injection , Breast Deformities , Breast Reconstruction , Burns , Chronic Wounds , Craniofacial Trauma , Droopy Eyelids (Ptosis) , Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) , Facial Paralysis , Fillers , Gynecomastia , Hair Removal , Hair transplantation , Keloid , Lasers , Liposuction , Lower Limb Reconstruction , Lymphoedema , Microsurgery , Nose (rhinoplasty) , Post-Cancer Deformities , Scar Surgery , Skin Cancer .

Clinical Appointments

  • Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetics Service Sengkang General HospitalSengkang General Hospital
  • Consultant Department of Surgery Sengkang General HospitalSengkang General Hospital
  • Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery Singapore General HospitalSingapore General Hospital


​Dr Kok Yee Onn is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon. He graduated from NUS with the top Outstanding Undergraduate Research Prize (OURP) and Singapore Young Investigator Award (SYIA). He completed plastic surgery training in SingHealth with the National Outstanding Clinician Scientist Resident, SingHealth Outstanding Resident Awards and completed an observership at the prestigious Stanford University Plastics division under Prof James Chang. He was awarded the MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship, co-authored a book chapter and guest reviews for Archives of Plastic Surgery. He is involved in research, education and clinical treatment related to aesthetic surgery, reconstruction, microsurgery and burns.

His practice interests include cosmetic surgery, breast, lower limb reconstruction, craniofacial surgery, microsurgery, medical device innovation and volunteer missions. He believes in individualised treatment plans with evidence-based cutting-edge techniques, a keen eye and a heart for service; to achieve the best form and function possible for his aesthetic and reconstructive patients.

Dr Kok holds several research grants with his co-Investigators and developed proprietary porcine models for burns and flaps. His research interests centre around medical devices and innovation in burns, wounds, scars; skin regeneration, substitutes, stem cells for rejuvenation, bio-printing and 3D printing to improve patient outcomes. He was instrumental in the pioneer Singapore teams that spearheaded animal vascularised composite allograft transplantation and remote Masimo flap monitoring.

He is active in education of residents, medical students and has contributed to microsurgery and basic surgical skills courses. He is also passionate about lifelong volunteer mission work and has participated in cleft surgery missions to China, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Cambodia under Operation Smile, Smile Asia and SingHealth.

He deeply believes in the commitment of patient care, mentorship and collaboration. Without his encouraging patients, supportive mentors, friends, colleagues and loving family–the aforementioned would not be possible.


  • ​Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Singapore)
  • Member of the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh)
  • Master of Medicine (Surgery), NUS
  • Master of Clinical Investigation, NUS
  • Fellow of Academy of Medicine Singapore (Plastic Surgery)

Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships

  • Adjunct Research Fellow - Academic Medicine Research Institute, Duke-NUS.
  • ​Member, MSKACP Clinician-Innovator Group
  • Lifetime Member, Wound Healing Society Singapore
  • Table Instructor (Microsurgery, Basic Surgery Suturing Workshops, Galderma Aesthetic Filler Workshop)


  • ​GYSS (Global Young Scientist Summit) SingHealth Nominee, 2021
  • SingHealth Outstanding Resident Award ,2020.
  • MOH Healthcare Research Scholarship, 2020.
  • NMRC National Outstanding Clinician-Scientist Resident Award, 2019
  • Best MSKACP Finalist-SingHealth Duke-NUS Surgical & Anaesthesia Congress High Fidelity Cadaver Preparation for Dissection Studies, 2019
  • SHQ Award Team- Best Clinical Improvement- Burns Team, 2017
  • Best Poster Award- Use of Medialis Pedis Perforator Flap: A new solution for hand injuries – APFSRM, 2013
  • Finalist-Evidence-Based Medicine (Surgery)- Singhealth Duke Conference, 2012, 2010
  • NUS Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize (OURP)-(Faculty First),                   2010
  • Singapore Young Investigator Award- Basic and Translational Research Singapore Health and Biomedical Conference- Gold, 2010

Research Interests


1. Chew KY, KOK YO, Ong WL, Tan BK. Coverage of anterior mediastinal tracheostomy with bipedicled anterolateral thigh flap. JPRAS Open. 2021 Jan 26;28:4-9.

2. Chew KY, KOK YO, Pek WS, Too CW, Tan BK. Surgical planning using facial fracture 3D models: The role of cyanoacrylate glue and miniplating for anatomical reduction. JPRAS Open. 2021 Jan 23;28:19-24.

3. Chong SJ, Kok YO, Choke A, Tan EWX, Tan KC, Tan BK Comparison of four measures in reducing length of stay in burns: An Asian centre's evolved multimodal burns protocol. Burns. 2017 Sep;43(6):1348-1355
(SHQ Award Team- Best Clinical Improvement- Burns Team 2017)
Impact Factor 2.5, Top Burns Journal

4. Kok YO, Chong SJ, Liang WH, Tan BK, Tan KC. Revolutionizing Major Burns Management with Micrografting - Improved Healthcare Costs, Time and Burns Resources. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Oct;136(4 Suppl):64
(SHQ Award Team- Best Clinical Improvement- Burns Team 2017)
Impact Factor 2.5, Top Burns Journal

5. Kok YO, SS Tan, RC Lai, SK Lim. Cardioprotective Effect of Stem Cell Derived Exosomes Via Adenosine-Mediated Extracellular Signal Regulated Kinase Pathway Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore (AAMS), Vol. 39 (Supp) No. 11, S14, pg20
Singapore Young Investigator Award- Basic and Translational Research (Singapore  2010 Health And Biomedical Conference 2010)- Gold (National First)

6. YO KOK, SSY TAN, MSW YEO, TC LIM. Foreign bodies of the face: A Singapore Perspective Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore (AAMS), Vol. 39 (Supp) No. 11, S186, pg192

7. SJ CHONG, A OOI, YO KOK, MK TAN “Full Thickness Burns over Bilateral Patella Tendon – Adjunctive HBOT for Wound bed preparation and Improved Graft Take” Annals Academy of Medicine October 2011, Vol. 40 No. 10 pg 471-472

8. SJ CHONG, YO KOK, CL FOO, Body Contouring Surgery for Military Personnel following Massive Weight Loss, Royal Army Medical Corp UK, December 2011

9. YO KOK, MSW YEO, V NALLATHAMBY, SJ LEE, Infraorbital Nerve Schwannoma in an Adolescent Male. Ann Plast Surg. 2013 Aug;71(2):196-7

10. YO KOK, GFL TAN, SC LOON, Keratoconus in Asia – Review Cornea. 2012 May;31(5):581-93.

11. Pan CW, Wong TY, Chang L, Lin XY, Lavanya R, Zheng YF, Kok YO, Wu RY, Aung T, Saw SM. Ocular Biometry in an Urban Indian Population: the Singapore Indian Eye Study (SINDI). Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011 Jul 26.

12. YO KOK, SS TAN Cure for Hemophilia: Gene, Stem Cell or Transplant? Review of Global Medicine and Healthcare Research, 1(1) 2010, 179-194

13. SS TAN, YO KOK The Dilemma of Enteral against Parenteral Nutrition for the Surgical Patient -Review of Global Medicine and Healthcare Research 2010, 1(1), 264-274

14. YO KOK, Cheryl Hui, SJ Chong, BK Tan. Early Renal Replacement Therapy and Total Body Wrap Topical Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Severe Burns and Rhabdomyolysis : A Case Report.  Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare Vol. 23 No. 4

15. Tsui I, Williams BK Jr, KOK YO, Heilweil G, Schwartz SD. Reliability of Ischemic Index Grading in Common Retinal Vascular Diseases.Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina. 2015 Jun;46(6):618-25

16. Chang SK, Tan SS, KOK YO. Early experience in single-site laparoscopic cholecystectomy.Singapore Med J. 2012 Jun;53(6):377-80.

17. Liang W, KOK YO, Tan BK, Chong SJ. An Outcomes Study on the Effects of the Singapore General Hospital Burns Protocol. Ann Plast Surg. 2017 Oct 3

18. KOK YO, Sim N, Tiwari P, Wong TH, Chong SJ. Establishing a treatment protocol for concomitant major burn and trauma patients: a tropical Asian hospital's experience. Burns Trauma. 2017 Jul 5;5:21.

19. KOK YO, Chong SJ, Basuki A, Tan BK. Early definitive treatment of partial-thickness alkali burns with tangential excision and biobrane. Arch Plast Surg. 2018 Mar;45(2):193-195. doi: 10.5999/aps.2017.00507.

20. Goh CS, KOK YO, Yong CP, Tan EW, Goh LG, Chew KY, Teo CE, Goh TL. Outcome predictors in elderly head and neck free flap reconstruction: A retrospective study and systematic review of the current evidence.
J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2018 May;71(5):719-728.

21. Chong SJ, KOK YO, Tay RXY, Ramesh DS, Tan KC, Tan BK. Quantifying the impact of inhalational burns: a prospective study. Burns Trauma. 2018 Sep 4;6:26.

22. Ho CWG, KOK YO, Chong SJ. Photographic evaluation of different adrenaline-containing tumescent solutions on skin graft donor site bleeding: A prospective randomised trial. Burns. 2018 Dec;44(8):2018-2025. doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2018.03.003. Epub 2018 Oct 25.

Book Chapter Contributions

1.Textbook of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Volume V (Burns) (K. Agrawal, SJ Chong, YO Kok, Keith Koh)- Establishment of a multidisciplinary burn centre

Research Trials

Research Trials

• The use of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) in flaps-proof of concept of changes in perfusion and mechanical deformation in a simple human and porcine animal model
• Use of a Keratin Alginate Dermal Substitute for Burns
• Use of a Novel Epidermal Substitute for Superficial Burns
• Tolerance of Vascularised Composite Allograft in an Irradiated Porcine Model with ADSCs
• Eyebag Cosmoceutical Device
• 3D Printed Keloid Clamps
• 3D Printing and modelling for complex cases-Facial Fractures, Oncology, Orthognathic